söndag 14 augusti 2011

Andrea Rossi -big news in media. Got help from President Jimmy Carter

The news about the product quickly reached the media, which praise its potential right from the beginning. 

On television the national news , such as TG1,talked about it, on paper, Il Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Giorno, Il Giornale and almost all the provincial newspapers, many magazines such as Espresso, Panorama, Oggi, Gente and other wrote  about it. The news of Andrea Rossi procedure was reported by nearly all the major Italian newspapers.

Soon, the product made by Petroldragon took the name of Refluopetrolio.
The news came even overseas, where U.S. President Jimmy Carter, showed his interest in technology, and soon offered to Andrea Rossi a permanent visa for entry in the United States, he hoped to convince him to move to the U.S. to further develop his work. He accepted the invitation, but he stayed only a few weeks in Washington, as Andrea Rossi was still convinced he could refine his invention in the mother country.

In 1983 Andrea Rossi, who has already achieved success, further developed his idea, after a ten months work and a financial investment of half a billion lire, he realized a facility that produced twenty tons a day of fuel oil, transforming one hundred tons of organic waste.

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